Art Dubai 2012

Culture and Heritage
History, Literature
Panel Discussion
Wednesday, 21st March 2012
to Saturday, 24th March 2012

From 10:30am to 8:30pm (IST)


Avid Learning   launch in Dubai this month, is marked by a partnership with Art Dubai, specifically by supporting The Hatch, A screening room, at the heart of the fair, a center created for artists' talks. The Hatch will feature a rolling program throughout the fair with artists' talks, presentations and film and video screenings.

Over the last five years, Art Dubai, the leading international art fair in the MENASA (Middle East/North

Africa/South Asia), has become a cornerstone of the region's booming contemporary art community. The sixth edition of Art Dubai featured  75 galleries from 31 countries, in addition to a new programme of artists' and curators' residencies, commissioned projects, performative tours, workshops, the unveiling of the works by Abraaj Capital Art Prize winners and the critically acclaimed Global Art Forum.

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Art Dubai 2012
Art Dubai 2012
Art Dubai 2012


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Art Dubai
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