Advance Creative Writing

Workshops / Masterclass
Thursday, 18th October 2012
to Friday, 19th October 2012

From 10:30am to 4:00pm (IST)
Studio X, 4th Floor, Kitab Mahal, Fort, Mumbai - 400001.
3500, Students 3000


This intensive two-day workshop is built on the presumption that you have worked with words in some way before. National Award-winning author Jerry Pinto will take you through a series of exercises to identify your problems and work out solutions.


Jerry Pinto

Jerry Pinto

Author, Poet and Journalist

Jerry Pinto has been a teacher for nearly 30 years. He has taught Mathematics and English and Journalism and Creative Expression. He has conducted seminars and creative writing classes in spaces as diverse as Cap Gemini and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. He has taught public speaking and writes books. His latest books include Em and the Big Hoom (Aleph) and When crows are white (Scholastic).  A winner of the National Film Award as well as The Hindu Literary Prize, His latest books include Em and the Big Hoom (Aleph) and When crows are white (Scholastic). More details can be found on He tweets under the handle mahimkajerry.

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