Gyan Prakash
Dayton-Stockton Professor of History at Princeton University
Gyan Prakash specializes in the history of modern India. His general field of research and teaching interests concerns urban modernity, the colonial genealogies of modernity, and problems of postcolonial thought and politics. He advises graduate students on modern South Asian history, colonialism and postcolonial theory, urban history, global history, and history of science. Gyan Prakash is the author of Bonded Histories: Genealogies of Labor Servitude in Colonial India, Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India, and Mumbai Fables . He has co-authored a book on world history, Worlds Together, Worlds Apart and has written several articles & volumes of essays. He was a member of its editorial collective of Subaltern Studies until 2008. From 2003 to 2008, he served as the director of Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies. Under him, the Davis Center conducted a two-year program on "Cities: Space, Society, and History". Educated in India and the United States, He completed his directorship of the Davis Center Davis Center with a one-year program on "Fear" in 2007-08. In addition to writing for scholarly journals, his reviews and essays also appear in general publications such as Times of India, Hindustan TImes, Asian Age, Hindu, India Today, Timeout Mumbai, American Scholar, and The Nation
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