Amrita Chowdhury
Director, Gaia Smart Cities and ex-Country Head of Harlequin Books
Amrita Chowdhury is the author of Breach, a cyber thriller, and Faking It, an art crime thriller, and contributing author to Chicken Soup for the IITian Soul. Amrita is a frequent contributor on business, technology, marketing, and lifestyle issues in mainstream media, magazines, and electronic platforms. She has authored various white papers for ministry bodies on ideas at the intersection of smart cities, technology, design thinking, and economy. She is a regular contributor to Huffington Post. She is an engineer, innovator, business strategist and urbanist. She is Director of Gaia, an urban technology company and an Independent Director and board member of a publicly listed auto ancillaries company. She was President of brand consulting firm DY Works; Publisher and CEO of Harlequin South Asia; and, Associate Director, Education for Harvard Business School. She holds seven US patents for semiconductor manufacturing and has done strategy consulting and Board advisory work for multinational clients with AT Kearney in USA and Oppeus in Australia. She holds engineering degrees from IIT Kanpur and UC Berkeley, and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon.
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