Geoffrey Bawa was one of the original proponents of Tropical Modernism, a design movement in which sensitivity for local context combines with the form-making principles of modernism. University of Edinburgh and Avid Learning present a panel discussion which traces the 40-year long architectural career of renowned Sri Lankan Architect, Geoffrey Bawa and examines his influences on contemporary architectural styles. Join Architect, Writer and Professor, University of Edinburgh Ed Hollis, Architect and Co-Founder, Architecture BRIO Robert Verrijt and Architect, Photographer and Joint Principal at Abraham John Architects Alan Abraham in conversation with Managing Editor at Sanhita Sinha Chowdhury. This discussion will examine Bawa’s architectural legacy, the styles, materials and design elements he incorporated into his projects, his regional significance and influence on modern architectural styles. Join us for a fascinating glimpse into the prolific architect’s work and legacy in contemporary times.